5 Rooms You Can Create When The Kids Move Out

Now that the kids are off and gone to college, what do you do with that now spare room. I thought I would make a few suggestions:

1. The Perfect Guest Room

Photograph of a guest room with suede brown walls, with vintage drawings hanging.  The bed has an apolstered headboard and is made with a tan duvet and pillows.  There is a leather chair under a mirror in the corner. A room idea for when the kids move out.

Maybe not the most exciting of the choices but wouldn’t it be nice to have a guest room appointed like a nice hotel suite. Maybe a mini refrigerator, a welcome basket with guidebooks to local attractions etc. Now that the kids are gone you may have more time on your hands and it's the perfect time to invite long lost relatives.

2. The Meditation Room

Need a calm quiet spot? This  could be just the solution. I would think a slightly Asian feel would be appropriate, maybe a grass cloth wall paper, some floor cushions and some soft lighting. Even if meditation is not your thing it’s always good to have a quiet retreat, even if it’s just for reading a book.

3. Gift Wrap Room

Long considered the indulgence of the wealthy, we are seeing more and more spaces dedicated to gifting. Some long rods to hold ribbon spools, a large wrapping surface and lots of open shelves and you will have an ideal place for creating those care packages you will be sending off to college.

4. Home Gym

A photograph of a home gym with exercise equipment in front a wall to floor ceiling. A room idea for when the kids move out.

Never seem to have time to make it to the local gym? Then bring the gym to you! A small space may mean that you need to be more selective with the equipment you choose, but start with some sort of cardio machine, whether it's a bike or a treadmill, then add an area for floor work and free weights and if space allows then maybe a lifting machine will fit. Don’t forget about addressing the air circulation as it will likely get very warm, very quickly.

5. Theatre

Photograph of a home theatre with large screen and comfortable seating.  A room idea for when the kids move out.

I know that this might seem like a bit too small of a space to turn into a dedicated theatre,,, but think maybe an intimate theatre for two or four people. The scale of the screen will not have to be crazy either so it will keep your costs manageable.


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