Master Class - Transforming a Space Through Color

There are lots of ways to transform a room, and, sad to say, most will require a lot of time, money, and effort. But at our leading Los Angeles interior design firm we love to use one of the simplest decorating tools that there is- color!

White bedroom color scheme with window seating and wooden floors.

There are an infinite number of design tips we could share about how to use color, many of which are regional. For instance if we are designing a Tuscan Villa in Beverly hills or a modern home in the Pacific Palisades we would use different decor ideas but for the sake of this Master’s Class I am going to concentrate on how you might use color on the walls, floor and ceiling in the most general sense. However, don't forget that using color in artwork and furniture can also be hugely impactful.

As far as basic color philosophy, for people starting out I think something that is easy to understand is what I call a “nature” palette. Our decorators love this way of building a room design, because it can be used to really link the interior and exterior spaces and in Southern California design that is one of the most important things.  Build your room in the way nature has built hers—that is, start with a dark floor, like the earth. This applies to both stained wood floors or even modern concrete ones. Then move to a medium color on the wall and a light one on the ceiling. Although it’s not as advanced as most versions of color theory, there is still a lot you can do with this simplified model.

For the floor, whether you are using stained wood, carpets or even painting your floors, a deeper color will anchor the room, so try to stay with a rich but more neutral color. The walls can then be almost anything, but I would suggest keeping them lighter than the floor. And once you get to the ceiling, a pale shade like a light white or a really soft pale blue will complete the look.

Now that’s the most basic, and safest, approach. If you are looking for some ideas that are a bit more daring, try these:


Monochromatic living room design color scheme.  Seating is arranged around a glass coffee table and a fireplace.

Paint everything—and I mean floors, walls and ceiling—the same color. I am currently working on a project in Atherton where we are going to do this, and it’s a great way to make your background disappear. In my case, there were a lot of badly-scaled details and other things that I wanted to make invisible. By going monochromatic, I was able to make sure eyes would float around the room and concentrate on more special pieces, as the background is no longer a point of interest. 

I like using really light colors (if not just white entirely) when employing this technique. But if you are more daring or want to create a cozier, closed-in feel, go with a strong color. I think Forest Green would be amazing!

Accent Walls

Let’s move on to one strong shot of color. We have all seen accent walls done time and time again, and the idea is certainly a sound one. A definitive moment like that can really focus a room. But why an accent wall? I love to use strong color on ceilings, especially one where the furniture arrangement is maybe a bit casual. The thing to remember is, if you have hanging lights in the room, the reflection of those lights from the ceiling will really affect the color of the room. If this is the case, flattering tones like olive, lavender and warm colors are my go-to solutions.

Accent walls are a great way to balance the room in spaces where you might have a spectacular view. For instance when I am designing on the beach in Malibu or a home with a mountain view in Aspen, I will use a feature wall to create harmony and balance.

Outline of Color

Another less-expected way to transform your room with color is to use an outline of color. Most spaces have base, crown and window trims—try using those spots as the place where you introduce color. Think of your room like a gift and the trim is like the ribbon, so go with something bright and festive. One suggestion is to use deep turquoise blue, magenta or even chocolate brown. Using this technique highlights the shape of your room, so it's probably an idea best used on a regular-shaped room (as in, no strange curves or jutting pieces).

This technique works well when you are trying to create traditional with a modern twist. The unexpected nature of it can really add spice to the room. In more artistic communities like Venice or Silverlake this approach can transform a home.

These are some simple approaches to transforming your room with color. The main idea is to have a plan, as any battle can be won with a strong strategy!


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