Master Class: How to Create the Perfect Entryway

Hollywood has known for a long time, the entry is everything, whether it is the first shot of Don Corleone in the Godfather, or Indiana Jones in the cave of Raiders of the Lost Ark. The introduction of a major character is a carefully crafted moment. In a similar way, the Entry in your home is its introduction and your way of showing guests what to expect as they enter your home. It sets the mood.

Here are 5 tips for making your Perfect Entryway.

1. Make a Grand Gesture

This modern French home entryway includes a large Capiz shell chandelier to soften the look of natural stone.

Every entry hall should have one moment of wow. It does not have to be big, but it needs to grab your attention and set the mood for the remainder of the house. In this Modern French home, I created a large Capiz shell chandelier. It breaks up the scale of the huge entry  and softens the look of all that natural stone. With a moment like this, very little else is needed, so we just created a simple table in the middle of the space and that was all.

2. Show some personality.

This Los Angeles entryway table injects humor with a fun, vintage knock-em as an accessory.

We recently created a home for a well known comedian in Los Angeles. I used the entry table as an opportunity to inject some humor with this fun, vintage knock-em as an accessory. It sets the mood for a certain whimsy for the home and reflects the fun loving attitude of the family who lives there.

3. Set the Style

A modern home's entryway in Silicon Valley creates warmth with a steel and teak root console and a multicolored rug.

For a client with a very modern home in Silicon Valley, the request was to create warmth and interest in an otherwise streamlined and cold space. We used the furniture and art to set an eclectic and handcrafted mood which would carry through the rest of the house. The steel and teak root console has a modern rustic feel and the multicolored cowhide rug feels like an art piece for the floor.

4. Traditional style

A traditional entryway with a restrained and composed feel uses stained wood against painted panels for an elegant feel.

Not every entry is a study in personality or quirkiness, sometimes the house calls for a more restrained and composed feel. The stained wood set against the painted panels makes for an elegant and restrained feel that is perfect for any traditional style home. I always feel that a mirror is a great addition both for opening up the space and for the practical idea of checking yourself before you goto the door.

5. Complete Minimalism

A minimalistic entryway in a bungalow features a rug and focal point and has an abstract art feel.

Sometimes the statement is no statement. For this bungalow we created an entry with all the elements it needed to function, a console, a rug to provide warmth and even a focal point (the balls on the floor) but it was all done with such minimalism that it almost feels like an abstract piece of art, and that can be the statement.

In your entryway always remember that it is your personality that you want to let shine, it is the thing that will create the authentic sense of warmth and hospitality that will make your guests feel welcome!

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