47 Small Patio Ideas That Enhance Even Tiny Outdoor Spaces

By Terri Williams for Architectural Digest

The Architectural Digest article is an excellent resource for anyone looking to transform their small patio into a stunning outdoor space. The article features a comprehensive guide to decorating small patios, including tips and ideas from top interior designers and architects. The article is designed to help readers maximize their outdoor living spaces and create a space that is both inviting and functional.

One of the highlights of the article is its emphasis on the importance of a visual focus. According to the article, adding a small statue in a niche of boxwood or a sculptural tree can help create a focal point that anchors the space. Additionally, adding sound elements like a fish pond, gurgling fountain, or wind chime can help enhance the sense of relaxation and tranquility in the space.

The article also emphasizes the importance of extending indoor conveniences to the outdoors. This can be achieved by adding a covered patio, flexible furniture arrangements, discreet lighting, and even a small outdoor bar or mini-fridge. Adding these features can help create a sense of comfort and convenience that will make the patio feel like an extension of the home.

Lighting is another key element of the article's small patio ideas. The article suggests using lighting to create a new ambiance and enhance the functionality of the patio. Whether it's hanging pendant lights or battery-operated exterior lighting, the right lighting can work equally well for morning coffee or an evening cocktail.

CutlerSchulze, a top Los Angeles interior design firm, is featured in the article and provides valuable insights into small patio design. According to the firm, a petite patio will look nicer with small bricks or river-run pebbles, while bigger bluestone pavers should be saved for a grander outside space.

In conclusion, the Architectural Digest article offers a wealth of small patio ideas to help readers create an inviting and functional outdoor space. From visual focus and sound elements to indoor conveniences and lighting, the article provides a comprehensive guide to transforming a small patio into a beautiful and relaxing outdoor oasis.

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