Bookshelf Wealth - the latest design trend?

By Mark Cutler

Built-in or free-standing, bookcases can be tricky beasts to style just right. Should you neatly color coordinate the spines? Edit down to just a few curated titles for a tidy look? Or display the full range of your ever-expanding library in all its glorious clutter? Finding that sweet spot between orderly minimalism and charmingly layered can be an artform in itself. But the latest viral TikTok trend - "bookshelf wealth" - actually celebrates the lively, lived-in joy of a lovingly cluttered book nook.

Unlike the overly fussy, everything-in-its-perfect-place aesthetic of Instagrammable shelves, the bookshelf wealth vibe is all about creating displays that feel cozy, familiar and actually used on the regular. We're talking showcasing those delightfully dog-eared paperbacks you revisit again and again, alongside well-loved ceramics, family photos, travel trinkets...pieces that reveal your unique story over time.

The designers at House of Hive, the studio that sparked the trend's popularity, emphasize embracing authenticity over chasing a manufactured look: "It’s not just about the books, but art and sculpture, and having a home that looks lived-in instead of museum-grade quality." Fill your shelves with titles you genuinely enjoy and objects with personal significance, not prop volumes bought just for the 'gram. The resulting displays will feel welcoming rather than stiff or staged.

Bookshelf wealth is all about making peace with the charming imperfections that make a home feel lived-in and loved. Clustered collections with a bit more visual depth, favorite books creatively crammed in wherever they fit, cozy chairs begging for curling up with a new read - it's a serene, sincere space where life unfolds surrounded by everything that fuels your soul.

Beyond just books, what other treasured items might you tuck onto your shelves? Here are some ideas for meaningful accessories that boost bookshelf wealth style:

Travel Mementos

Souvenirs, postcards, ticket stubs - incorporate little reminders of adventures near and far. Group together objects and images from a certain trip to bring that story into your space. A set of Matryoshka nesting dolls, Spanish ceramic bull figurine or sea shell from a beach vacation carries wonderful memories every time you glimpse it.

Family Photos

Stand favorite framed photos of loved ones alongside books for regular warm reminders. Noticing an image of your niece dancing whenever you grab a fresh read feels celebratory. You can also tuck unframed snapshots into shelves at playful angles - the more candid and personal, the better.


Incorporate little pots of leafy lovelies for organic contrast and fresh life. Let vines wander the shelves freely or cluster ceramic planters into vignettes. Bringing living greenery in blurs the line between indoor and outdoor in cheerful ways. Snake plants, mini cacti and succulents add low-maintenance punctuations of vibrancy.

Handcrafted Pieces

The uniqueness of one-of-a-kind ceramics, woven baskets, carved wood vessels or glasswork makes them ideal candidates for prominent placement. Supporting local artisans this way showcases their talents and brings bespoke beauty home. Items infused with the maker's personal signature feel irreplaceable.

Candles & Incense

Beyond ambiance, candles and incense holders in precious materials become decorative when not in use. Grouped together they create little serene moments - the flicker of flame captured in still ceramic vessels. Display any special candle jars from favorite brands or local makers.

Sentimental Objects

Tuck in anything imbued with nostalgic significance or from important people for regular rediscovery. This grandparent's vintage camera, a friendship bracelet from third grade camp, the seashell your best friend gave you. Surround yourself in talismans and touchstones that replay cherished memories.

What makes bookshelf wealth enticing is its attainability - you don't have to overhaul everything or strive for perfection. Start small by designating one bookcase, mantle or entry table to gradually layer with personally meaningful ephemera. Soon you'll find yourself seeking out quirky flea market discoveries and noticing sweet vignettes everywhere that capture nostalgia. This is a slow savoring of spaces evolving over time. The beauty unfolds in the process.


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