Master Class - Investment Pieces

An ornate gold leaf candle stand as an investment piece. Behind is a sofa table with two vases of roses. The stand is topped with lit candles.

We write a lot about ways to stretch your dollar further, whether it’s through DIY projects or repurposing or helping you find similar items for a better price. But now that we have saved you all that money, what do you do with it? 

Well, I would like to suggest that it is never too early to start buying a few investment pieces. I still have some quality pieces of China that I bought as a teenager, and it warms my heart everytime I see it. So where do you start?

1. Buy according to your interests, not your need.

Whether you are a fan of mid-century modern, art deco, or any other specific style, buy good pieces in that style. If you need a chest of drawers, and you come across a great Italian style one that doesn’t really fit with the rest of your aesthetic but that happens to fit what you’re looking for right now, it’s still probably not a good idea to purchase it. Over time, you will become tired of it, but the need will remain. Be strict with yourself and be realistic about what styles you really relate to.

2. Start with less iconic pieces.

We are all familiar with iconic pieces in each style, but because those pieces are so instantly recognizable, they command a premium in the marketplace, so they are probably not a good place to start. Try to go deeper into the style you’re into and make your own discoveries of items that embody that style for you.

3. Do not be afraid of restoration.

When you are beginning to collect these pieces, do not be afraid of a little restoration work. A chair with a few nicks and scratches can be a bargain, and a great investment opportunity if you are willing to restore the finish or rewax the topcoat. If done properly, these moves can add extra value to your purchase.

4. Never stop Looking

If you are really serious about starting a mini collection of pieces, you should ALWAYS be on the lookout. This does not need to be as tiring as it sounds. You can set search parameters automatically on a lot of the online sites, and keeping one eye on the road and one eye on every garage sale that you pass is always a good strategy, too.

Beginning to collect investment pieces is the start of what can be a lifetime of creating a treasure trove of pieces that are both beautiful and meaningful, so get started and dive right in.


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