5 IDEAS: Inside for Two Weeks? 5 Home projects you can get done.

Well, whether you like it or not many of us find ourselves stuck at home every now and again, the question is what can we do to make that time worthwhile? If you are like me there is only so much I can bear of Netflix or YouTube before I start to go a little stir crazy, so I always like to have a few design projects on hand to keep me busy, so I hope these decor ideas will help motivate you for your next shut in design project.

1. Change out your cabinet hardware

Cabinet hardware can have a big reward.  These white cabinets have knobs that look like red branches.

Swapping out your cabinet hardware with something new is a decor project that gives big reward for small effort. As a Los Angeles interior designer we have access to lots of great resources but if you look online the world of cabinet hardware, whether it is knobs or handles is vast and not always expensive. 

I love to swap it up every season, maybe with a Summer/Winter look, with something more bright and fun in the summer. If you are looking for design resources online Anthropologie.com is a great resource for more statement, unusual pieces while myknobs.com has an almost encyclopedic range to choose from. Just remember, to check out how many holes your current knobs use and try to match that as much as possible, it will make life, A lot easier!

2. Spruce Up the Bathroom

An organized bathroom vanity with a cushioned stool.

The Bathroom is a place that we often overlook and is possibly one of the easiest rooms to makeover. Let's start with the basics, clear out all the stuff that you don’t need. The simplest design tip is always to purge, like any room the bathroom is a place where things happen to accumulate, whether it is partially used beauty products that have lost favor, or things we have bought on a whim and never gotten around to using, all of this needs to go. I like to do one drawer at a time, it makes the project manageable, and make sure you fully empty the drawer so you are intentional with what you put back. A great budget tip is to use old plastic take out containers as drawer dividers to help keep everything organized.

Now for the countertop, organization is beauty, so try grouping together things that remain on the counter, a vintage mason jar is a great Modern Farmhouse look to hold toothbrushes for example. Also try to add a small plant or even some cut flowers, I actually like to have a herb planted in a vintage pot, it is pretty, inexpensive and can add a nice fragrance, Lavender, Basil or Rosemary are all good hardy choices.

3. Rehang your artwork

Now that you have some time on your hands how about you try moving some of that artwork around the house. You will be amazed how a new location or grouping can really change the way a piece feels. Now might be the time to try a grouping, it's a nice way to make smaller pieces have a bigger impact. If you go this route, try it out on the wall with cutouts the size of your art pieces first... this will allow you to move things around and create the most impactful layout, without filling your wall with holes.

4. Create an Accent Wall

I agree, now may not be the time to repaint a whole room, but what about a wall? That does not seem like too much to ask. Paint in the least expensive design tool and can make a huge difference to a room. You also might want to consider a peel on and off wallpaper, that way you get both color and pattern, there are tons of choices online and get delivered to your door pretty quickly.

When choosing a wall, I like to pick one that faces me as soon as I walk into the room, that way it will set the tone of your space immediately. Do not be shy about the color, we are looking for bold.

5. Turn Your Bedroom into a Sanctuary

A bedroom as sanctuary with dim lighting and flowers on the nightstand.

With just a few changes almost any bedroom can be transformed into a quiet oasis. First thing to consider is lighting, make sure that you have a series of options, this means not just ceiling light, but balance out with table lamps, possibly a wall mounted reading lamp and even a floor lamp in another part of the room, it is all about giving yourself options from bright sunny day look to moody intimate at night. And please make sure everything is on a dimmer, control is key.

Next let's consider the bedside table, add a tray. It will group everything together nicely and make bring food or snacks etc in and out of the room simple and stop a pile of things accumulating next to the bed.

Have a collection of reading material at hand, all those magazine subscriptions are now going to come in handy, as well as one or two books you have been meaning to read. Screens are a tougher choice, I say stick to printed material as screens are going to turn into a rabbit hole of checked emails, news sites and various web adventures, remember this is about a retreat not a war room.

The prospect of weeks at home may seem daunting but give yourself a few simple projects and it may actually turn out to be a fun and rewarding staycation. Good Luck and stay healthy out there!


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