Is Virtual Design Right for You?

It is seemingly everywhere right now, and probably for good reason, Virtual Design is having a moment for sure, but is it right for you?

A photo of a nightstand toped with an orchid and a custom knight chess piece white lamp beside a bed with a lime curtain behind the headboard.

First of all what is Virtual Design?

Well in its most basic form, it is interior design that is done online, with little, or in some cases no in person meetings, and usually some combination of video conferencing, telephone calls, emails and samples sent to see in person. 

It can fall into roughly two groups, the first and I think the one that is less satisfying is the “we will design a room for you for x dollars”. There are several companies that specialize in this sort of arrangement, it tends to the more cookie cutter and production line style of design. Which, for sure can be a great introduction to interior design but ultimately is not the personalized, bespoke solution that I think most people are looking for.

The second is really just an adaption of a traditional design model, where a client expects the designer to create unique and personal solutions that are tailored to their individual needs. This can be achieved through a dynamic back and forth open communication about what you are looking for and what you are hoping to achieve.

What does the process look like?

An image of an interior designer's moodboard showing a floorplan and suggested furniture and textiles for the room.

While every process will vary according to the scale and complexity of the project, this is a rough layout of how we see this process working:

  1. We would start with an introductory call. On this call, which would probably last about 15- 30 min we would listen. I want to hear all about you, your family and finally about the project. What is the problem you are hoping to solve? What does success look like for you? We would also get some idea of budget and timeline.
  2. Then the creating begins. Beginning with a starter package from you that includes: 
    • Images of the space
    • Measurements (don’t worry we can help you with that)
    • Pictures of pieces that you already own that you want to incorporate
    • Inspiration images to give us a sense of the picture you see in your mind.
  3. Armed with this information we create a sketch design. It is not a fully fleshed out design, rather it is a road map that might include color palette, some fabric and furniture ideas and a furniture layout. This step ensures that we are all on the same page and will become the solid foundation of the final design.
  4. From there we create a final design for you to approve. This might include floor plans, renderings, physical samples, whatever it takes to tell the story of the design we have created for you.
  5. After you have had a chance to make any changes so that it is Virtually Perfect , we then go about bringing it to life.

So you can see the arc of the project is in many ways the same as a typical face to face project. This system allows you more freedom with your time and the ability to work with designers who may not be local to you but are in markets that are rich with local talent that they can exploit on your behalf.

What kinds of spaces do you do?

The short answer to this question is pretty much any. It can be as simple as a Guest Bedroom, a dorm room or a full house. Remodel projects like a kitchen or a bathroom are some of our favorite spaces to do and we are great at it!

A remodeled kitchen designed by Mark Cutler Design.  The kitchen is a warm golden wood tone for the shelves, ceiling,  cabinets and appliances.

So if you have a project in mind, reach out, say hi, and lets see if we can help you bring you fantasy home to life!


Master Class: Small Dining Rooms


Master Class: Make Your Home Perfect - Using Amazon