Home Theater - Is Now the Time?

A small in home theater with a bit in cabinet around the screen and comfy chairs and a sofa on multi-levels.

Let’s face it, with more of us spending time at home, our family media center is becoming more and more of a central part of our lives. Fewer of us are visiting Movie Theaters, and that probably won't change for a while, but we still crave that theater experience. Maybe a dedicated Home Theater room is right for you, but don’t know where to start. As interior Designers in Los Angeles we have created many home theaters for everyone from celebrities, to studio executives to regular people who just want to have that next level experience. Here is a guide to help you decide whether it is right for you.

Do I need a Dedicated Room?

There is no hard and fast rule on this one. Certainly you can create a great sound system in a typical family room, but normally these rooms cater to multiple functions, so the seating may all not be oriented to the screen, the lighting may not be ideal, not to mention you will probably have people passing through and creating interruptions, so probably not ideal.

So having a dedicated space is probably the best thing. Imagine sitting back, the lights dim at the press of a button, the curtains open and you are enveloped in deep rich sound and a screen that takes your fill field of vision. Now isn’t that the way to see a movie at home?

A home theater with a large screen and sofas on multi levels.

What Equipment do I need to have?

At its most basic you will need:

  1. A home theater receiver to power your speakers.
  2. A center channel speaker that sits below or above your screen.
  3. Front left and right speakers that flank your screen. 
  4. Two or four surround speakers, which go behind and/or beside you. 
  5. One or two powered subwoofers.
  6. Want overhead sound effects?

A home theater though is a place of fantasy, so don’t be afraid to dream. Whether it’s a room based on your favorite genre or an art deco fantasy that reminds you of the Movie Palaces of the past, start by gathering inspiration images and see what resonates with you.

A home theater with bookcases along one wall and cozy chairs in front of a large screen.

What is the difference between 5.1 and 7.1 sound?

A 5.1 surround sound system uses 6 channels (feeding into 6 speakers) to create surround sound. 7.1 surround sound systems use 8 channels. The two extra channels of sound (and two extra speakers) provide a slightly better audio quality. Does all this sound a little complicated? Well, you are right, bringing on the right team is going to be an essential part of your success.

A large in home theater with neon lighting and theater seating.

How do I get this in my Home?

So does it sound like a home theater is right for you? Why not give us a call and see what we can create for you? Maybe we transform that unused Guest Room or even that basement space is ready for it’s close up? We can put together a team of professionals to bring your design to life, we look forward to hearing from you!


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