design journal
Finding the right design partner for your project.
Like many things in life, having a partner can make them easier, more enriching and just better in so many ways. That is why I am so excited about my new partnership with my long time collaborator, Nichole Schulze. Together, we bring insights and years of experience with each of us coming from a different angle but landing in the same spot, it’s a great thing. The process of creating this has made me think about how a homeowner selects a designer, because what they are really looking for is a partner to go on this fabulous journey with them.
How to improve the lighting in your home.
How to improve the lighting in your home.
Have you ever walked into a room that feels mundane and stale? Chances are the lighting within that room contributed to this feeling. Good lighting is essential to have in a successful design. Let’s discuss some bright ideas on ways to improve the lighting within your home.
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